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  1. admin


    Leviathan - 6th Guardian 6th Guardian Leviathan and Leviathan (rare) has been added in mu online season 19 part 2-3 Leviathan (rare) is a guardian with the same stats as Leviathan but a different color and can be obtained at a low probability. The 6th Guardian is an inventory-equipped vehicle item. The 6th Guardian can be obtained through the 5th Guardian upgrade combination. How to create Leviathan Guardian Upgrade Combination can be done through Laurentia NPC (122,110) ‘Trainer’. Upgrade combinations are possible starting from the previous Ur pet +11, and the combination probability varies depending on the level. It can be upgraded using the ‘Leviathan Seal’ item and jewel items as combination material items. If the combination fails, the Rude Shop materials and gem materials disappear, and the Guardian used as basic materials drops to +0 level. When the upgrade combination is successful, the guardian's normal options and elite resistance options are randomly re-assigned. When upgrading a guardian with 3 normal options, at least 2 options are randomly re-assigned. However, elite resistance options are always re-assigned at random. Combination details   combination type basic ingredients Rude Shop Materials jewelry materials Combination Probability combination result   6th Guardian (Leviathan) +15 5th Guardian [Ur or Ur (Rare)] Seal of Leviathan Jewel of Blessing 100% +0 6th Guardian [Leviathan or Leviathan (Rare)]   +14 5th Guardian [Ur or Ur (Rare)] 90%   +13 5th Guardian [Ur or Ur (Rare)] 80%   +12 5th Guardian [Ur or Ur (Rare)] 70%   +11 5th Guardian [Ur or Ur (Rare)] 60% ※ When combining upgrades, there is a low probability of obtaining the ‘Leviathan (rare)’ item. Leviathan's Seal Information Leviathan Guardian Options 1) Basic Options (1) The 6th Guardian in vehicle form has the following basic options.   default options   Increased movement speed   Increased attack speed +7   Defense +352 2) Guardian Options (1) Guardians have normal options and elite monster resistance options. [General Options] - You can have a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 3 options. - The option value increases depending on the guardian’s enhancement level.   General options   Attribute attack power increase + 305   Attribute defense increased + 305   (Up to level 1,100) Defense increases by 6.0 per 20 levels   (Up to level 1,100) Increases attack power/magic power/surge power by 6.0 per 20 levels. [Elite Monster Resistance Option] - You can have 1 type of option out of 1 to 5 types. - This is an option to resist the abilities of elite monsters located in the elite zone. - The option value increases depending on the guardian’s enhancement level.   Elite Monster Resistance Options   Type 1 (Fire) Bleeding Damage Resistance Attack power reduction resistance   Type 2 (water) Poison Damage Resistance Attack power reduction resistance   Type 3 (ground) Bleeding Damage Resistance Attack speed reduction resistance   Type 4 (wind) Poison Damage Resistance Defense Reduction Resistance   Type 5 (Dark) Bleeding Damage Resistance Defense Reduction Resistance Leviathan Disassembly 1) When disassembling a guardian item, you can obtain a ‘Guardian Enhancement Stone’. (1) After unequipping the guardian item in your inventory, you can disassemble it using the ‘Dismantle’ function.
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